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All Levels  Boxing Classes

All Levels  Boxing Classes in Surrey Fleetwood BC

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A Boxing Class Catered to All Levels of Boxing

Our All Levels Class is designed to cater to a diverse group of participants, from beginners eager to start their boxing journey to seasoned boxers looking to further hone their skills. Regardless of your experience, this high-intensity class will help you build a solid foundation as a boxer. It's open to adults only and offers a comprehensive blend of techniques and drills across the Mendoza Boxing curriculum.

Our experienced instructors are dedicated to creating an inclusive and supportive environment where participants can challenge themselves and grow as boxers, regardless of their skill level. The All Levels Class is a place where you can progress at your own pace while being encouraged to reach your fullest potential.


Class Overview


Techniques and Drills

Participants of all levels will engage in a comprehensive range of techniques and drills. Beginners will focus on learning fundamental techniques, while more experienced boxers will have the opportunity to refine and expand their skills.


Cardio Conditioning

Elevate your cardiovascular fitness with a combination of boxing-related exercises, ensuring you're in top shape for training and sparring


Bag Drills

Practice your technique, power, and precision through a variety of bag drills, helping you build both strength and skill.


Partner Drills

Work with partners to hone your defensive and offensive techniques, creating a collaborative and challenging training experience.



For those ready to take the next step, sparring is offered as an option, providing a controlled environment for participants to apply their skills in the ring.

Class Schedule

Class Bookings Required
Members can book through our online booking system

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Contact Us

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